For parents, especially parents of children with special needs, the pandemic and remote learning has brought on its extra challenges for you. What is to come with the new school year is anyone’s guess, but if you are planning to send your child to school, they may be required to wear a face mask or […]
5 Benefits of Increasing Your Sex Life during COVID-19
The last couple of weeks have been very chaotic for the world. COVID-19 has caused most of us to conduct our lives in very different ways than we had previously. Even if you normally worked remotely from home, you still had the ability to go to the store and buy as many cases of water, […]
How the Coronavirus may impact your anxiety
Within two hours, I had noticed there were 8 points of contact in my day that warned and informed me about the coronavirus. From emails, texts, real life conversations and shopping for regular household items, my world had suddenly been overwhelmed with information about the virus. On one hand, I’m thankful for the access to […]
3 Tips for Teens with Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety is the third most prominent mental health issue in the world, and it usually starts within the teenage years. Are you struggling to feel comfortable in your own skin? How confident are you in yourself? How social are you? Being comfortable with yourself, being confident in yourself, and being social are all factors […]
It’s More Than Just “Thank You”: How Practicing Gratitude Can Change Your Life
The concept of gratitude, like mindfulness, has become widely adopted and practiced in the Western world. However, despite its popularity, the daily practice of gratitude is not a widely adopted habit within our ‘quick-fix, instant gratification’ society. When we think about daily practices of self-love, self-care, and healing, we tend to question how long it […]
How to Respond to Your Child’s Negative Self-Talk
No parent wants to hear their child say, “I’m dumb” or “I’m stupid,” or even worse, “No one loves me.” When negative self-talk arises within children, it is usually a subconscious response to a challenging or overwhelming situation. Our subconscious determines the thoughts and actions that are comfortable for us, i.e. our comfort zones. This […]
5 Common Misconceptions About Depression
It’s a heavy feeling, a somber feeling, a feeling you know all too well. The feeling of hopelessness, feeling unworthy, unloved, lost, confused, and even angry. Depression is a condition that affects 350 million people worldwide and possibly even you. While this condition may be common, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Recognizing the symptoms and […]
Five Signs of a Toxic Relationship
It begins again. The constant fighting, the back-and-forth banter, feelings and emotions of sadness, regret, disrespect. They have all become familiar and routine in your relationship. Subconsciously you are thinking, “Fights are normal in a relationship and rough patches are bound to come,” but when there is a strong inability to be cohesive in a […]
How To Grow: Creating Positive Addictions
Do you ever experience moments where you begin to realize that the habits and activities you partake in are no longer serving you? They no longer fulfill you or bring you the happiness and joy you thought it would bring? Often these moments lead to depression, self-doubt, self-guilt, among other negative emotions you may feel. Nevertheless, you find yourself scrolling through Google or Pinterest, looking for ways to better yourself, to improve your self-worth. You find yourself typing in keywords like,
Anxiety vs. Panic Attack
More recently the term “anxiety attack” has been used when people begin to feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. While the term definitely expresses the intrusive nature the person has experienced, it unfortunately is not a clinically recognized term. Because of this, the use of term has led to misrepresentation and even misunderstanding of what […]
Helping Overworked Women
and Their Families Live a Life Without Regrets