Often times, individuals get so caught up in chasing happiness that they get lost in the pursuit of it. It’s easy to become distracted when you don’t have a clear picture or conceptualization of what it is you actually need. The “I’ll be happy when….” statements turn from goal declarations to glass ceilings that keep you stuck and disappointed. We are all striving to become better versions of ourselves, however some of the roads that we take to get there include self-neglect.
How can you really become the better version of yourself in the future if you don’t take care of the person you are today?
Self care isn’t about taking a spa day or splurging on a special item. While it might result in those actions, self care is about better connecting with yourself to figure out what it is that you can benefit from mentally, physically, socially and even in your occupation.
It is in the understanding of these needs and actually giving ourselves the time to provide them that we are able to reach our goals and consistently be the person that we desire to be. Living a purposeful and fulfilling life isn’t measured by the things that we are surrounded by, but the meaning and connection we have to ourselves and our surroundings.
Our counselors can provide you with the tools to stay on track and not get distracted by the day to day noise so that you can fully discover what self care and fulfillment would look like for you. Some topics discussed in counseling are:
- Self Esteem/Body Image
- Relationship dissatisfaction
- Career Transitions
- Managing stress and Anger
- Life Transitions
Your well being is well worth your time. Make yourself a priority and schedule an appointment today.
Helping Overworked Women
and Their Families Live a Life Without Regrets