The last couple of weeks have been very chaotic for the world. COVID-19 has caused most of us to conduct our lives in very different ways than we had previously. Even if you
normally worked remotely from home, you still had the ability to go to the store and buy
as many cases of water, rolls of toilet paper, and paper towels your heart desired. People are faced with many uncertainties which are causing many fears.
During this time, it’s normal to question if you have enough of what you need to survive. If you are in a committed relationship, you may be asking, Will my relationship survive this? We are in a time where many are spending way more time with their partners than they had in the past.
My suggestion is that in the midst of this epidemic we take this time to have more sex. Sex is unlikely to add any additonal risk to partners who are already sharing a bed and quartining in the same household.
You might ask why sex and here are my reasons:
- Sex makes you feel good! For some people when they want to feel comfort they eat. Don’t pig out on cookies, cakes or pizza.Instead of grabbing food that will not serve your body well, have sex. Sex can be comfortiing especially if you are in healthy commited relationship.
- Sex can be fun! Tissue may be on backorder but you can find a host of sexaul enchancers online. From nice lingerie and lotions to feathers or costumes. Since we are all stuck in house use your imagination and be creative.
- Make History! COVID-19 has made history. We will remember this time for various reasons. Why not take the time to make some magical memories in the bedroom. There are significant times in our relationship that stand out; when and how you meet your spouse, your wedding day, honeymoon, milestone anniversary. Those times stand out because you intentionally put the effort in. You and your spouse can intentionally spend this time feeling good, having fun, and making history using one of the most powerful tools,SEX!!
- Exercise Benefits! While the gyms are closed your bedroom is not. Staying at home may be limiting the amount of physical activity you use to get. Sex gets the heart pumping and can be a great cardio work out!
- Reduce Stress! This is a very stressful time in the world right now and stress wreaks havoc on our bodies and our immune system. Sex nautually releases the hormone oxytocin, which contributes to relaxation, trust, stress reduction and relationship building.
Your marriage may be in a stale place right now why not determine to take the next 3 to 4 weeks to recharge or resurrect your connection. Pour into each other during this quarantine. There aren’t many places you go so invest in your marriage!
Of course, if you or your partner are ill or may have COVID-19 avoid sex, especially kissing and follow quarantine guidelines to reduce your risk as much as possible.During this time it is not recommended to seek out new sexual partners as that can increase the transmission of the virus.
What if your marriage is in a place where you need support?
COVID-19 hasn’t shut down the ability to get marriage counseling. With the use of technology couples are able to meet virtually with a therapist. Marriage counseling is a tool that can aid in repairing and restoring areas that have been tough to tackle alone.
My hope is to spread the message that in this time of uncertainty, there is also opportunity for connection, pleasure and growth. Why not connect more with one of the most important people in your life.
Learn More about Tanisha Horne
Great advice. Why not make the most of this time to reconnect with my hubby. Physically and emotionally.