No parent wants to hear their child say, “I’m dumb” or “I’m stupid,” or even worse, “No one loves me.” When negative self-talk arises within children, it is usually a subconscious response to a challenging or overwhelming situation. Our subconscious determines the thoughts and actions that are comfortable for us, i.e. our comfort zones. This […]
6 Great Ways to Deepen Your Relationship Bond
Love is a beautiful thing, and there’s nothing more amazing than feeling the bond you share with your partner get stronger. If you’re in a happy relationship, you can keep it that way by introducing a few new things into your relationship. Here are 6 evidence-based approaches that will help you enjoy a more fulfilling […]
10 Signs You Might Be a “Highly Sensitive Person”
Are you a highly sensitive person (HSP)? If so, you’re not alone. It is estimated that roughly 15 to 20 percent of the population is highly sensitive. In fact, scientists now believe there is a gene behind this trait. But what does it mean to be highly sensitive? The HSP is generally defined as someone […]
Stopping Negative Self-Talk
When it comes to our inner consciousness, we can be our biggest fan and our biggest critic all at once. At times, our inner critic can actually be helpful and keep us motivated toward goals – like when this critic reminds us that what we’re about to eat isn’t healthy or what we’re about to […]
Is Meditation for Me?
As beautiful and joyous as life can be, it can also be plain ol’ stressful. Whether it’s hefty mortgage payments, killer commutes, or bosses who don’t give us the credit we deserve, stress can come at us from all different angles. Surveys have uncovered some pretty disturbing statistics about stress. 33% of people feel they […]
5 Common Misconceptions About Depression
It’s a heavy feeling, a somber feeling, a feeling you know all too well. The feeling of hopelessness, feeling unworthy, unloved, lost, confused, and even angry. Depression is a condition that affects 350 million people worldwide and possibly even you. While this condition may be common, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Recognizing the symptoms and […]
How to Help Your Child Transition into a 2-Home Scenario After Divorce
Going through a divorce can be a tumultuous time for any adult, and for children it can feel like their world is falling apart. It can be confusing for children to have two homes, particularly in the early stages of divorce. But there are ways to bring positivity and excitement to this change, while reducing […]
6 Signs Your Teen May Be Depressed
As teens struggle through the tough transition period of childhood into young adulthood, it can be difficult to decipher a teen’s behavior. Are their out-of-control emotions and conduct a result of the natural process of adolescence, or is it something more serious? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2016 approximately 3.1 million […]
How To Grow: Creating Positive Addictions
Do you ever experience moments where you begin to realize that the habits and activities you partake in are no longer serving you? They no longer fulfill you or bring you the happiness and joy you thought it would bring? Often these moments lead to depression, self-doubt, self-guilt, among other negative emotions you may feel. Nevertheless, you find yourself scrolling through Google or Pinterest, looking for ways to better yourself, to improve your self-worth. You find yourself typing in keywords like,
Anxiety vs. Panic Attack
More recently the term “anxiety attack” has been used when people begin to feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. While the term definitely expresses the intrusive nature the person has experienced, it unfortunately is not a clinically recognized term. Because of this, the use of term has led to misrepresentation and even misunderstanding of what […]
Helping Overworked Women
and Their Families Live a Life Without Regrets